On the phone earlier today, Elizabeth compared New Year’s Day to the Sunday of the year: fresh, new, and as often depicted in news cartoons (repetitively in today’s rather thin New York Times I might add), a wee baby in no doubt clean diapers. (The sagginess is from the baby's skinny newness!) The fact that this one happens to fall on a Sunday intensifies the diaper effect to an almost creepy extent.
Since blogos too is relatively new--we’re about ready for training pants--I feel compelled to make a few blogging resolutions in honor of today’s doubly fresh beginning:
- I will post regularly, especially this spring while I’m not teaching but I can’t make any promises at this point for fall. About anything.
- I will not post crap just to keep pledge #1. If the well is dry, it’s just gonna have to be dry. Believe me, you should be grateful for this.
- I will frequent the library more, in search of more OFL entries. Readers from other schools are encouraged to find excuses to visit the Illinois library for the real treat. Oh, and maybe I’ll do some of my research while I’m there, what the heck.
- At the first tornado warning, I promise to compose a full report from our basement in hopes that I’ll be able to post it when the warning gets called off. And that we have a roof.
- The use of the phrase “my body” will be severely limited. I think I already used it once, and so I can’t promise to leave it out entirely. I will never, however, use the phrase “my blog.” (Except right there.) In fact, today’s might be the limit of my metablogging. I’ll leave the metablogging to the techno-experts, you know who you are.
- I will continue blogging even though I don’t know my “niche,” something Z has asked me about, and then it made me shudder not to know. I don’t think bad puns on greek words quite count as a niche, though I confess to a little thrill when I came up with “hoi blogoi” for my roll.
- I won’t even try to come up with 100 things about myself, because I fear blocking between 40 and 50. Even worse, I’m not sure who would want to read all 100, though I myself have read all 100 of Collin’s, and CultureCat’s 100+100. And just a little bit I wanted 50 more from each.
- Though maybe I’ll try one of those copia exercises like Erasmus designed, and blog 100 ways to say the same thing. That I could do.
- I will not feel compelled to make lists of ten. The fuck cares about David Letterman?