(resurrected from the comments)
What's the last word in your dissertation?*
And for extra credit (for other readers), does that word help date the dissertation?
A few weeks ago, I began a dissertation defense with a question about the dissertation's last word. At times it's a thing of great import--that last word--and other times it can be somewhat mundane. This one happened to be "responsibly," and I think that ending revealed a lot about the dissertator's impulse to subtly argue about ethics and technology, so I was trying to pull on it a little.
Cara, who was also at the defense, pointed out that this question is totally bloggable. Post-defense, Cara and I stopped by her office to look up hers, but now--damn--I can't remember.
Spencer's is "everyday."
Mine's "disruption."
*For those of you still--or not yet--writing a dissertation, what word would you like to be the last word? It might be fun to record it here and then write to it. Voila.