Write. I recently posted on my chapter dilemma and am glad to announce that all is well. If, that is, "well" means that I'm reading a fair amount about insulin shock therapy in the 30s and now have several new pages of writing to work with on it.
Run. Including the first one, John and I have now completed 5 rounds of 400s. Our times have decreased, but the most noticeable thing is our improved ability to get through the things, as in, the gasping/heaving effect seems to be gone. And also, relatedly, our recovery times have gotten remarkably speedier. We've been heading to the track every 3 or 4 days or so, though yesterday we made the mistake of trying them on the heels of (as in the day after) a 3-4 mile run. Not a good idea. Not when it's this hot outside. And not when both parties have foot pain that lends that phrase 'on the heels of a 3-4 mile run' a more literal force. Otherwise, they're trucking along, the 3-4 miler was noticeably easier than other times (a great sign!), and I'm not nearly as sore.
Eat. Last night we enjoyed the classic southern summer meal: bbq chicken, corn on the cob, and I even made a batch of biscuits, hot kitchen be damned. (Does anyone else like to cook after a long day of writing? mmm.)