Girl one: How was your Thanksgiving?
Girl two: Good. How was yours?
Girl one: Actually, it was really good. I had three Christmases!
Girl two: What?
Girl one: Yah. Three Christmases.
Girl two: How many Christmases do you have, like, total?
Girl one: Six. So, last week, we did my Dad's Mom's and my Dad's Dad's and my Mom's mom's.
Girl two: What do you do, like, on Christmas?
Girl one: It's basically all the same people, only different presents. Christmas eve is the big family. Then there's Christmas morning, which is Santa. And then there's Christmas night. Christmas night is when you get your big presents.
Girl two: You mean Santa doesn't bring big presents?
Girl one: No, Christmas night is big presents. Santa just brings your stocking stuffers, and some little things, like your socks and stuff.
Girl two: huh!
Girl one: Yah, and so over Thanksgiving I got so much money, I'm like, back in the green. Or back in black. Whatever.
Girl two: that's great.
Girl one: Yah, my grandpa on my Dad's side gave me fifty dollars plus a fifty dollar gift card to Target. I buy everything at Target. Clothes, and... everything.
Girl two: Like what else?
Girl one: You know. Christmas decorations.