I drove the copyedited MS for ARCS 4e to Fedex yesterday and plunked down $75. to ship it to Boston. It didn't not occur to me that I could have almost bought a plane ticket and delivered it myself.
I'm posting this as a reminder to myself for when a little royalty check finds its way to me in a year or so: this is NOT easy money. Though I am pretty happy with the new edition, and I already miss my daily phone convos with my ever-wry coauthor (coming soon to an RSA Institute near you).
In the acknowledgements to 3e, said coauthor has a bit about how Tillie Warnock (I believe) once told her that sometimes writers need to know how to ignore their yards. I thought about that line more than once over the past few weeks when I passed by an upstairs window. But as the grass grew, so did the mint, which can only mean one thing: