As Metaspencer mentions, and as I expect the now not-so-anonymous Oronte Churm might soon reveal, the University's spring break started today. Hooray! Even though I'm on sabbatical, I still feel this break, because email has trickled to a halt, and I also feel this spring, because it was a nice sunny day here. Somehow running a bunch of errands is easier without a big poofy coat.
Also the beginning of break corresponded with payday and a Friday, which means we stood in line at the bank. Later, post-grocery shopping, we decided that we wanted to enjoy the sunshine but our feet were too sore from running yesterday, so we hopped on our bikes and rode down to the pretty prairie park and threw frisbee and also played catch. And now we're going to make some fish curry and spicy cabbage. Tomorrow we're driving out to the CSA-farm to buy some eggs and some meat and generally to tour the countryside. We both have talks to write over break, but toward the end, we're going to reward ourselves by training to Chicago for some fun city time.
I quite like living here. There it is.