Now, if Hillary Clinton manages to wangle the nomination, I'll vote for her, don't get me wrong. But I hope against hope that by then she will not say anything as colossally stupid as she says in this AP release about the contributions of economists. The two highlights are 1) waving away as "elite opinion" the observations by economists that a holiday gas tax rollback would do nothing to help consumers, and 2) when asked to provide the name of one economist who endorses the plan, HC replies "I'm not going to put my lot in with economists."
Any president who won't listen to economists would be a scary president. And I'm not sure which word--elite or opinion--pisses me off more, but I think it might be opinion. Because heaven knows (don't you, heaven?) that GWB and his administration have used similarly dismissive strategies with scientists for the past eight years. Maybe those scientists who have "opinions" about global warming ought to be consulted about the gas tax rollback proposal. That is if they're not too busy sitting at the opera.
End rant.