Here's something. Yesterday when JM and I were walking to the gym, we saw on the sidewalk ahead of us the remnants of someone's Saturday night heave. Knowing I have a queasy countenance, JM told me not to look, but I did anyway. About when I saw what I think were pieces of lucky charms, I started gagging and finally looked away.
And then this morning I did it again, only this time, I let myself look at general reader comments at an online news site. My problem began, innocently enough, with IHE, where the readers are often judgmental and outrageously cruel. Noticing that my blood pressure went up when I scrolled through the comments, I decided to stop reading them. During the election, I let myself peek at some comments over at CBS news. (Fox news comments are just entertaining.) And this morning, to fill the election-watch void, I clicked on a post or story or some trash called "the note" over at ABC that had rotated up on my news feed. It mentioned that Obama and McCain are going to meet.
And then, scrolling down to the sidewalk puke, I read the first comment. And the second. And all of them. The first one, posted by "theologicalones," (that first "o" makes all the difference) claimed that Obama was elected by "nitwits and druggies." Hm, I wonder, which one of those am I? The next one calls Obama an "empty icon," and others allude to the impending dictatorship and Obama's selfishness.
Incredulous, nearly gagging, I wonder why can't I not look?