I have some recommendations to add to the Freeh Report. This could go on and on, as the initial draft of this post did, but I'll go with my top six seven. (JM offered #7 over lunch the day after I posted this.) These are in no particular order, but they would be added to the section dealing with University Governance and Administration.
1. replace all the stupid bathroom signs showing people how to pee on toilets with announcements about whistleblower protections provided by law in the state of PA, at Penn State, and in the U.S.
2. Stop the scramble to limit "guests in athletic facilities" and start a thoughtful campaign against rape culture.
3. Consider the idea that transparency could mean involving more people--faculty, staff, and students--in decisions rather than merely informing them of decisions. (And please stop telling us how strong and great this place is. As writing teacher would say, show us.)
4. Consider filling vacant admin posts with outside hires, rather than promoting from within. The most thoughtful administrators I have spoken with recently on this scandal have been people who have been here fewer than 5 or 10 years. You want people who will respond to phrases like "The Penn State Way" with genuine confusion.
5. Stop using the phrase "The Penn State Way."
6. Hire a woman in a top position (preferably president), and stat. Preferably a hard-hitting feminist with a track record of taking principled stances. Maybe someone like Nancy Cantor. Whoever it is, if you don't like her, then so much the better.
7. This one is JM's, and I think it's brilliant: make a counterintuitive appointment to the athletic director post, an appointment that sends the message that the football program is not only in receivership but that it is subordinate to the university. Some names we generated included: Noam Chomsky, Kwahme Appiah, Murray Sperber. You get the picture. If you object that football is a business and these guys aren't prepared to deal with that part of things, appoint one of the Wall Street whistleblowers as assistant A.D.